Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ain't In It for My Health - A Film About Levon Helm

Legendary musician and songwriter Levon Helm is the subject of Jacob Hatley's new soul-filled documentary. An original member of The Band, some would say the driving force, and lifelong journeyman of the road Levon's triumphs and tragedies are all laid out for us on the big screen.

Beautiful and hard to watch at the same time this rock doc opens up a new window where the harsh outcomes of stardom and lifestyle choices are revealed without any filters. We learn about Levon's battles with throat cancer, bankruptcy, and tragic deaths of band mates Rick Danko and Richard Manuel. This is a truly intimate look and a great journey right into Helm's everyday world. For most of the film Hatley has you feeling like your just another guest at the party.

As a lifelong fan of The Band I am a strong believer that they continue to be the most underrated group in the history of rock 'n' roll. Few comparisons can be drawn between Scorsese's The Last Waltz, a classic Band concert from the '70s, and Ain't in it...except for the sweet sounds of the country boy from Turkey Scratch, Arkansas reaching down deep to hit the notes we all know and love.

Hatley proves that every story teller's greatest tale might be that of their own. I am looking forward to seeing more from this director and looking forward to Levon finally being celebrated for the amazing artist he truly is. This will be a must have DVD for any Band fan and a great Doc to own for anyone looking to do a character study.

Link: http://levonhelmmovie.com/


  1. I like your review of The Band. Sounds like you have done your homework on the group. So many times famous groups stand out but the individuals within the group get passed by. As a great fan of rock and roll, this review definitely encourages me to want to see the Doc. Keep up the good work son. Thanks, Dad

  2. What it is Mister World..Groo-vay!!! If it's not hip it's a bad trip, you dig. Keep your cyber type-writer on display and keep it ill like Lester Bangs. I'll be workin' on the time machine and keepin' my body lean.

    Dr. Dominguez


The Professor Moved On..

I know watcha ya'll must be thinking: "This can't be the real World. Been gone too long. They finally must've got 'em. ...